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Fire Spells 2.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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Reactions: Chief-Oblivion
I know that I have already done this, but the other spellpack has a bad triggering so I decided to pick my favourites from it and re-do the spells.

It contains the Meteorfall, Nuclear Flame and Firewall spell.

I'm not sure if what I'm doing is against the rules, if that's the case jsut delete it.

Ahh and by the way, I know that some of the arrays are not necessary, but I like it this way.

Update1: Added a better description and reduced expiration time for the Nuclear Flame a bit.
Update2: Removed the arrays and made the nuclear blast spell fully mui.
Update3: Fixed some location leaks.
Update4: Removed the old dummies and added the dummy mdx model and a effect destroy system.
Update5: Removed a location leak I missed.

Fire, Meteor, Firelord, Firewall, Nuclear, Flame, Blast, Asgard_Ragna

Untitled (Map)

10:41, 10th Oct 2009 The_Reborn_Devil: This leaks. In the spell Nuclear flame you have 229 leaks per cast. Here's one Set NuclearFlame_Location = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 350.00 towards (((Real((Integer A))) x 90.00) +...




10:41, 10th Oct 2009

This leaks.
In the spell Nuclear flame you have 229 leaks per cast.
Here's one
  • Set NuclearFlame_Location = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 350.00 towards (((Real((Integer A))) x 90.00) + ((Real((Integer B))) x 5.00)) degrees)
(Position of (Triggering unit)) leaks and it's created 11 *18 times per cast.
And here's another leak
  • Set NuclearFlame_Location = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 100.00 towards NuclearFlame_Area degrees)
(Position of (Triggering unit)) leaks and you create 16 of them each cast, also you only remove the last created location made by the polar projection which adds 15 more leaks.
You also have leaks in Meteorfall.
Only the last one of this
  • Set Meteor_Point2 = (Meteor_Location offset by 500.00 towards ((Real((Integer A))) x 40.00) degrees)
gets removed.

PM me once you've fixed this.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
I liked the screenshot but i would change a few things:
-Don't use custom values of units it can screw up spells which work on custom values
-The spells are about 50% triggering and 50% object editor stuff
-The spells use a lot of dummies and dummy abilities
I am lazy to rate or even review the spell, these are suggestions what i would fix
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Typo, i ment:
Without dummy ability and with 1 dummy for all spells.
I suggest you to get the dummy.mdx for attaching models to it(it's size is 1kb and it has no ingame model, but it has attach points and you can scale effects by it).

though i think it could have been made better i think it's a fine spellpack...
Level 10
Jan 14, 2006
Typo, i ment:

I suggest you to get the dummy.mdx for attaching models to it

I will watch out for it!

Without dummy ability

I know, but the important thing is the cast time, otherwise they would fire before the meteors hit the earth

Edit: Can someone post the link to this dummy model or a link to a map that use it?
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Level 1
Mar 18, 2009
plz help, i cant find out how to get this spell to my wc3 world editor... i cant eaven download the spell... how do i do it... pleas healp me
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
I liked the screenshot but i would change a few things:
-Don't use custom values of units it can screw up spells which work on custom values
That.. is.. not right.
If you apply custom values only to a certain type of units, only that type will be affected by changes.
Pick every unit of type x and do set cv = cv + 1 e.g. only changes the cv of that type..
Level 10
Jan 14, 2006
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
I can guaratee you, unfortunantly your secondary anti-leak triggers does not work properly. After casting the spells like 15 times (with long delays in between actually), my FPS dropped down to 5-10 fps.

I can not approve it until that is fixed.

The Meteorfall works almost flawlessly though. You forget to remove this location
  • Set Meteor_Point2 = (Meteor_Location offset by 500.00 towards ((Real((Integer A))) x 40.00) degrees)
Level 10
Jan 14, 2006
I can guaratee you, unfortunantly your secondary anti-leak triggers does not work properly. After casting the spells like 15 times (with long delays in between actually), my FPS dropped down to 5-10 fps.

I can not approve it until that is fixed.

The Meteorfall works almost flawlessly though. You forget to remove this location
  • Set Meteor_Point2 = (Meteor_Location offset by 500.00 towards ((Real((Integer A))) x 40.00) degrees)

I will look at it in about a week, I'm in holydays now. Feel free to post fix suggestions during this time.

Edit: I found some time to look over it now and i can't seem to find the flaw, can it be that it is becqause the spell is based on impale? Indeed i tried it, after a few seconds my fps turned back to 65 (standart for me). But if you cast it to often at the same place during a short duration it will lagg for a few seconds.
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Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
The flaw lies where you call the "helper destroy effects" trigger. It does not destroy it properly, maybe because it is called everytime in the loop, I dont know.

my only suggestion would be to clear it completely to find another method (which I cant think of at the moment :7... )

Well, you see, casting the Meteorfall does hardly lag since you only leaked 1 point.

Some further researches that your spell does lag (this one using the nuclear spell)


  • evaluation.JPG
    25.8 KB · Views: 99
Level 10
Jan 14, 2006
The flaw lies where you call the "helper destroy effects" trigger. It does not destroy it properly, maybe because it is called everytime in the loop, I dont know.

my only suggestion would be to clear it completely to find another method (which I cant think of at the moment :7... )

Well, you see, casting the Meteorfall does hardly lag since you only leaked 1 point.

Some further researches that your spell does lag (this one using the nuclear spell)

Well then there is only one way, use another dummy model.

It still eats some fps during the cast, but then resets, at least for me. It was never a good idea to cast to many impales at the same point :)
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
Actually I fail. Ignore those handle checker values, those were completely wrong, thus GUI triggers always increase the counter unless you are changing all actions to custom scripts...

However, the fps was right, but ignore the other one. Whenever it has been changed and works properly, give me a PM
Level 19
Feb 25, 2009
Umm, dunno why, but I don't think the Meteorfall split thingy fits with the spell itself..
I mean, come on, meteors (err.. stones) hits the earth, then some boulders popups from nowhere, wth?

And the fire wall, why you make it instant? It should be smoother, definetely.

Here, I just founded 2 leaks into the "Nuclear Flame" trigger:
  • Set NuclearFlame_Location = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 350.00 towards (((Real((Integer A))) x 90.00) + ((Real((Integer B))) x 5.00)) degrees)
  • Set NuclearFlame_Location = ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by 100.00 towards NuclearFlame_Area degrees)
Other than that, if you make some changes, I can give a 3/5 lating, for now its worth only 1-2/5.